Dawat E Quran International Academy
DawatQuran International Academy is a center for comprehensive Quranic education, focusing on memorization, Tajweed, understanding, and interpretation.
To be a leading institution producing individuals who embody the Quran’s teachings, inspire positive change, and contribute to a harmonious and ethical global society.
To provide a holistic Quranic education that combines memorization, Tajweed, understanding, and interpretation while fostering Islamic values, academic excellence, self-discipline, and community engagement.
Learning to memorize the Quran
Learning to read the Quran with accuracy
Learning to understand the Quran
Learning to recite the Quran in various modes
Learning how to conduct research on the Quran
Learning how to interpret the Quran
Learning how to communicate the Quran's teachings to others
Learning academic skills such as critical reading and argumentation
Learning to read and use both classical and modern
Integrating Islamic values into social and moral education
Participating in community activities and events
Developing self-discipline and self-respect
Developing self-belief to reach goals