
Instructor Details

Bushra Akram & Kanwal Talha (3 year Diploma)
Experience 7 year Subject Sahih Al Bukhari Teacher


I am Bushra, and together with Kanwal, we have the privilege of being your instructors for the 3-Year Diploma in Complete Sahih Al-Bukhari. Among other things, I guide students through the study of Sahih Al-Bukhari, paying particular attention to authentic knowledge, a structured approach to learning the expressions of the teacher, and striving for clarity and understanding that can be practically applied in real life. Besides being my partner for teaching, sister Kanwal plays a crucial role in academic support and student engagement by helping with the delivery of lessons and running along with the delivery of a seamless learning experience. Our hands are opened for guiding you, helping you out, and training you right through this journey. Do reach out to us anytime for any type of guidance and review.